NRC Herzberg News


Edited by: Dennis Crabtree


December 2013



The NRC Herzberg News E-Cass Report

These reports will appear in each issue of E-Cass with the goal of informing the Canadian astronomical community on the activities at NRC Herzberg.

Feedback is welcome from community members about how NRC Herzberg is doing in fulfilling our mandate to “operate and administer any astronomical observatories established or maintained by the Government of Canada” (NRC Act).

General News

Dr Tim Robishaw has accepted a continuing position in the Radio Astronomy Program as a member of the DRAO science group. Tim is an expert on radio polarization science, ranging from observations of Zeeman splitting in OH Megamasers to wide-field studies of galactic polarized emission. He is also very experienced at working directly with telescope systems, as exemplified by his role in understanding the polarization properties of the GBT during his PhD. Following his PhD at UC Berkeley working with Carl Heiles, he was an Australia Research Council Super Fellow at the University of Sydney before coming to NRC Herzberg as the Covington Fellow. Over the past two years he has been working extensively on the 26-m telescope at DRAO to measure the Zeeman signature from galactic HI. Recently, he has been supporting the CHIME consortium efforts to use the 26-m for calibration of the CHIME Pathfinder.

In December Jim Hesser completes 11 years of service that began on the ALMA Coordinating Committee and then on the ALMA Board, the sole Board member to have served continuously since ALMA construction commenced.  Sean Dougherty replaces him in January, as ALMA moves steadily towards full science operations. 

Optical Astronomy


In the May 2013 the ngCFHT project team submitted a request to SAC to support an ngCFHT project office. In the May meeting SAC chose not to recommend support for a project office as they felt the level of detail in the proposal left several important questions unanswered.

In response the ngCFHT project team submitted a more detailed proposal to SAC for consideration at their September meeting. The SAC has “noted on previous occasions that the scientific aims of the ngCFHT project are of the highest standard and represent a bold yet technically achievable evolution of the CFHT facility”.

Following their May meeting the CFHT SAC issued a recommendation  on ngCFHT: “The SAC recommends that the Board support the proposal to create a ngCFHT project office”. The CFHT Board meets in early December (after this article was submitted for translation).

Figure 1 CV1RR test data superposition of the two NIRISS GR150 low resolution grisms. The zeroth and first orders of each grism appear as yellow points and lines. The direct image has been subtracted leaving a negative residual of the undispersed source.


Space Astronomy

The first Cryo-Vacuum test campaign (CV1RR) of the science instrument module of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) took place from August to November. This was a particularly exciting time for the Canadian contingent as we got to see the end-to-end performance of our instrument FGS/NIRISS for the first time. The testing was a tremendous success with all modes of the instrument performing as expected. There was excellent on-site testing support provided by CSA, prime contractor COM DEV, instrument science team members from the Universite de Montreal and CSA-supported contractors based at STScI. This was also a successful major test of the ground testing equipment at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The next instrument cryo-test is scheduled to commence in June 2014 and will include all four JWST science instruments.

The whole JWST project continues to make excellent progress towards the October 2018 launch date. All four science instruments have been delivered to NASA. All mirror segments are complete and will be delivered to NASA by December 2013. The center section of the primary mirror backplane support structure is complete and underwent cryogenic testing in October. Development continues on the enormous 5 layer sunshield that will keep the telescope cool. There will be a JWST lunch session at the CASCA 2014 meeting in Quebec City where we invite the community to come and hear the latest news on the project and start to think about how they will use JWST for their science.
Figure 2 Comparison of CV1RR test data with a previous simulation from UdeM of the NIRISS GR700 exoplanet transit grism. The upper trace is the first order and the lower trace the second order. This grism has an intentionally broad PSF along the spatial direction


Astronomy Technology

Progress on the Advanced Focal Array Demonstrator (AFAD)

Traditionally radio astronomy has been dominated by telescopes with single beams. Over the last decade, advancements in electromagnetics and digital signal processing have made array receivers possible. This new technology could greatly increase the survey speed of telescopes by making multiple beams available, increasing the instantaneous field-of-view. This would be done by placing a small phased array at the focal plane of a reflector antenna.


NRC Herzberg has been investigating this technology as a contribution for the Square Kilometre Array survey telescope in Western Australia.  Our efforts have  focused on minimizing sources of noise in the antenna structure since noise is also a key determining factor in the survey speed. The noise is reduced by placing the receivers as close as possible to the feed point of the antenna elements and to make those elements thick so that surface currents are spread over a larger area, reducing resistive loss.
Figure 3
The AFAD array with an analogue beamformer has recently been completed . This phased-array feed demonstrator consists of 41 Vivaldi elements. Figure 1 to the right shows a single element. These elements are 5 mm thick and this allows the low-noise amplifier (LNA) to be placed very close to the feed point of the antenna element, thereby reducing input transmission line loss and noise. The green and gold LNA board is visible in the figure.
Figure 4
Figure 5

The complete array is shown in Figure 2.  The analogue beamformer is in the framework below the thick Vivaldi array. Nine elements are combined in a network composed of combiners, amplifiers, and step attenuators to produce a single boresight beam for noise measurements. The topology of the  beamformer has been carefully chosen to ensure phase and gain tracking between elements and across the
operating band (0.7 -- 1.5 GHz).

We have just begun testing AFAD in NRC's Hot/Cold Test Facility (see Figure 3]. This facility has a ground screen so that  the sky can be used as a cold load with little contamination from  ground radiation. The other part of the facility is a movable roof with microwave absorber on the underside and is used as a hot load.

Contributions from Jim Hesser, Bruce Veidt, Chris Willott